My friends got married this weekend and it was fabulous. Congratulations Amy and Jordan! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I love weddings!!!

This one was especially special because it happened in Colorado (one of my favorite places in the world) at Vail. The setting was gorgeous – perfect weather and aspens at the height of their fall colors set the scene for a beautiful ceremony.

The morning of the wedding, a big group met for a high altitude run around Vail Village. My first workout at the Brookline Res was with Amy, and she joined me to run Denny Creek one summer at camp. A year later I cheered her through the Boston Marathon, and have since followed her blog about her triathlon ventures. Thus, though a wedding-day run may seem odd, we’re all friends from college cross country and track and clearly running was destined to make an appearance on the agenda.

The rest of the day was spent getting pretty for the big event. The bridal party all got their hair done – Amy’s took almost 3 hours! As a non-bridesmaid, I got to hang out in my running clothes and observe/entertain throughout the process. The hairdresser said that more weddings happen in that area of Colorado than in Las Vegas!

When the girls were finally prettied up, they headed off to take pictures and I went back to my room for my own (much more simple) beautification. My awesome friend Chris arrived to serve the all-important function of my date (being the only single person surrounded by couples is just odd).

The ceremony was outside and Amy looked soooo beautiful! (Don’t you love her dress?)

After hor d’oeuvres on the patio we all moved inside for dinner and a truly epic dance party.

We moved and grooved and shimmied and shook and laughed and limboed until all too soon the party was over.

It took over 3 hours round-trip, and was totally worth it! We made it to Eagle’s Nest mid-afternoon, slightly out of breath and wishing we were skiing (oh wait, maybe that was just me).

The hike down was much quicker, and my only question was Where’s the snow?

That evening we hung out with Amy and Jordan, telling stories and eating leftover wedding cake.

The weekend was over all too soon – Sunday was a very long day o’travel (someday I will get direct flights. Someday…) Chris and I are planning an epic ski trip for this winter, so hopefully we'll be seeing Amy and Jordan again soon!

It was a fabulous weekend and I am so excited for my other friends’ weddings!