If I can’t run a race, the least I can do is cheer for others doing so! When my alarm sounded at 6:45 Sunday morning, I seriously weighed how upset I would feel watching thousands of people compete in my goal race without me…but 6x6 and I had plans to meet up and, per usual, spectating was really fun!
We met up at the crack of dawn to head toward the Lincoln Memorial to watch the Cherry Blossom 10 Miler. The weather was perfect and our teammates did really well!
Our original weekend plans involved me running the race, then myself, 6x6, LLC, and LORT-Emily going out for a celebration brunch. We amended that arrangement to instead have a personal Pancake Party chez 6x6 and it was fabulous! 6x6 (wo)manned the stove, flipping the most perfect plain, chocolate chip, and spinach feta pancakes a girl could wish for. This pancake recipe is amazing -- you have to try it! The Greek yogurt works some kind of magic and the spinach feta ones are actually really delicious with syrup.
We sat on the floor of her studio to enjoy our breakfast bounty, accompanied by espresso and orange juice and a pineapple/Asian pear fruit salad.
Spinach Pancakes- serves 2 healthy appetites!
- 1 cup flour
- 2 tablespoon sugar
- 2 teaspoons baking powder
- 1/2 teaspoon Salt
- 1 Egg
- Heaping spoonful of greek yogurt
- milk as needed to thin the batter
- 1 tablespoon olive oil
- 6 oz fresh spinach (about 1/2 bag or one giant handful) - sauté lightly in water untill slightly wilted
- 1 teaspoon vanilla
- 1/4 cup feta cheese (make sure it's very crumbled!)
- Mix all batter ingredients together and then add spinach and feta.
- Cook per usual.
The rest of my weekend was a blur of chores – Taxes! Credit scores! And groceries! Oh my! – but I did manage to fit in some yoga and rock climbing to keep me sane. By Sunday evening I'd had enough of work and decided to go for a walk to enjoy the springtime...beautiful, right?