Friday, March 30, 2012

Best of the Week #53

I have a superabundance of breakfast pastry at my desk today. I brought my own homemade healthy mini-muffin (I tried a new recipe and was not thrilled…I will adjust it before I blog it!), and then one of my co-workers bought in a box of glazed doughnuts, and then there was an event so I am in also possession of a croissant! 

Whyyyyyy oh why does this happen all at once??? Needless to say, I am trying to resist a Friday fatstorm and failing miserably…sighThe Newbie did suggested I treat myself this week...

It’s been quite the week in Mollie-world! Both my jobs were kinda crazy, and you already know about the running situation, and SpeedyKate and I are apartment-hunting like woah. Clearly I do too many things, which is all good and manageable until everything explodes at once.   

And since I’ve been busy, this best of the week will be brief. My most popular post was, again, the Salted Caramel Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars because they are the most intense creation I've ever concocted.

Speaking of apartment-hunting, can I have one with this? A Kitchen in a Greenhouse

  • 2. “Why are you worried about summer? You look fine.” If your girlfriend is trying to get in a little shape for summer, don’t make her feel stupid for doing it. Sh-t is stressful already.
  • 5. “Will you shut up about Nutella already? It’s just chocolate-flavored peanut butter.” Lol, get out of my house.

Incredible Animals of Frozen Planet. I now want a pet musk ox. 

I love this: A (Non-Political) Ode to Washington DC. Captures my emotions exactly.

  • Beyond the calls for resignations, and the scandals, and the pundits and the politics and the theatrics, there exists here a thriving society full of young, brilliant people whose core reason for living and breathing and working in this town is to make the world better. Whether it’s the young community manager at a tech startup, to the ex-pat taking notes at their embassy, to the communications director at an environmental non-profit, sit down at a bar with anybody in this city and after one martini or seven, if you listen carefully you will hear the same story: that they came to D.C. because they want to be part of something bigger than themselves.

This was part of my busy work week: Funny or Die made a video about the LRA starring the guy (Detective Stabler, i.e. Chris Meloni) from Law and Order: SVU. Go here to watch the video

Live birdwatching on the interwebs. What will they think of next??? Top 5 Wild Bird Webcams 

This site cracks me up probably more than it should. 
  • Would you like Polynesian Snack? With beautiful flower? 
  • Where is fork? Is Snack for to eat with hand? You like canned bean sprout? And buttermilk? And pimiento? And fruit piece? Mix all together? No? Oh. Maybe Snack is not for you.
Good news for animals: Pictures: Biggest Conservation Area Created in Africa Who wants to go on Safari??? 
  • Spanning an area of Africa almost the size of Italy, the Kavango Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area, or KAZA, will encompass 36 national parks, game reserves, wildlife-management areas, and tourism areas, according to WWF, a conservation organization offering both technical and financial support to the initiative.
  • To borrow a cadence from Michael Pollan: Read books. As often as you can. Mostly classics. 
And with that I bid you good-weekend!