In December of seventh grade, I danced in the Nutcracker, and then decided that it was time to quit ballet.
So my mama says, Well now that you're not doing ballet, you're going to have to start running. I don't even remember questioning it, or really thinking about it - I just said ok, and that was that. (To make this seem a little less weird, both my parents are runners and have always run every day, so suggesting that I run wasn't totally off the wall.)
On my first run, my mom took me on a 3-ish-mile loop near our house (unfortunately years later MapMyRun informed me that it was only abot 2.5. Damn.). We ran the first half, walked up the hill, and then ran home. And that was it - The Run was born. I did that same run every day. Eventually I could do it without walking. And even later, I started adding on. So The Run got longer and longer. There was the standard short loop, a 3.5-mile version, a 4-miler, a 5-miler, and really the sky's the limit when it comes to adding on.
When Sister1 started running, she did The Run. When Sister2 started a few years later, she did The Run as well.
The amazing thing about The Run is its staying power. To this day I start my run on the same route. I never do just the original loop, but variations on that theme are a part of all my Petaluma runs. I'm not sure if this says something about my creativity...or my laziness...or perhaps my persistence (?). It's just a matter of habit. I leave my door and turn right. Then right again. Then up to the hill...and then, well, it's up to my in-shapeness and desire from there.
It's comforting, in a way. When I'm home, I like to eat breakfast and drink my coffee while reading the paper, then putter around a bit before going out for my run. When I get back I take my dog for a walk.
So, how was your run? my family asks when they see me later.
Me: Good/bad/meh/terrible. (response of my choice)
Fam: Where did you go?
Me: Well, I started with The Run...
And so it goes. If I'm home for too long, I get bored, but considering the fact that in the last 5 years I've been home for a grand total of 3 months...well, not a whole lot of time for getting bored.
Do other people have a route like this?