Warm weather rolls around and people start talking about their “summer reading" lists, which doesn’t make any sense. I get that when you’re in school you may be so busy with homework that you don’t have time to read for fun, but as I’ve learned with this whole grown-up-real-job thing, it’s pretty much the exact same song and dance all year round! So I can read in the winter just as much as I read in the summer – the only difference is my reading locale of choice – bed v. roof.

I don’t feel the need to change the type of book I read for the season either. “Summer reading” is traditionally lighter and sillier, but why? I guess that’s another throw-back to school days…because maybe the books you read in school are denser, so summer reading is less serious? I don’t really know. These are just theories I came up with in the pool this morning.
So anywho, the whole point of this long musing ramble is for me to tell you the books in my que. Thanks in part to this blog, people recommend books to me, loan me books, and give me books (awesomeness, awesomeness, awesomeness!). So here’s what I have on my shelves:
Dark Star Safari by Paul Theroux (I’ve been working on this one for almost 2 weeks! I promise to get you a review soon!)

We Need To Talk About Kevin - by Lionel Shriver
An Inheritance of Loss - Kiran Disai
The Ginger Tree - Oswald Wynd
Life with Picasso - Francoise Gilot
The Mermaid Chair - Sue Monk Kidd
So it looks like I have my work cut out for me…I’ll be on my roof is you need anything!
What's your reading list right now? Any recommendations for me?