Look at the top of your browser. Does it say http://eatrunread.blogspot.com? Well now try this: www.eatrunread.com.
YEAH THAT’S RIGHT! I am now the proud owner of my own domain! (And the best part is that nothing really changes for my readers – you can still access me through Blogger, and your RSS and subscription settings don’t change at all.) Best going away present ever from Boss #3.
Last night I started another trial gym membership – this one even fancier than Mint. The SportsClub LA is inside the Ritz…umm yeah…
My roommate and I did the Kukuwa Dance class (This class blends Latin, African and Caribbean rhythms into a low impact, high-energy cardiovascular workout). Aka ridiculousness. Watch the video (no, that's not us, but that is our teacher!)
There are many things in the world I’m good at…shimmying is not one of them. But we shook and jumped and flailed with enthusiasm for an hour – it was really fun! When the dancing was done, I stayed in the room to take the Definitions weight training class (why not, right?).
Then this morning I decided to hit up their fancy shmancy pool. Big mistake. I got in and realized that it’s only 4 feet deep!
Me, out loud to no one: 4 feet? Only 4 feet? How am I supposed to pool run in 4 feet of water????
So I got creative, picked up a kickboard, and kicked for 45 minutes. Ugh. Should I just swim? Maybe….But I can’t. And I don’t have goggles. Bah, oh well. At least I got to use their nice locker room to get pretty (or something) for my last Friday at work! (Did you miss the news? Go here to catch up!)
My most popular post this week was my Weekend Report: Mother's Day and EU Embassies.
This makes me laugh every time. There’s something to be said for the amount of time and effort someone put into creating such a ridiculously realistic website. Go from pretty to kitty! Hahahaha!
I didn’t really get into the whole Royal Wedding mania…but I do enjoy this site: Kate Middleton For The Win.
Odds are, if you’re a woman under the age of 30, you had an American Girl Doll. This article will tell you What Your American Girl Doll Says About the Rest of Your Life. I had Molly (well duh), but I’m not a huge fan of what they say about her…though I like this part,
“If you were a Molly, and had a Molly…you were imbued, then and now, with an immutable sense of self. At least Molly could tap dance, which is frankly more talent than any of the other girls exhibited.”
(Have I ever told you about my tap dancing skills? For serious! I was a pretty skilled tap-dancing first grader!)
LOTR-Emily forwarded me an email, and it makes me laugh out loud at my desk every time I read it. They’re fake “historical” facebook statuses. For some reason the thought of Thomas Jefferson saying “Amiright?” just kills me.
And then Boss #2 followed it up with this! (Note that US Navy Seals “like this”!)
Rabbit dressage. Watch it. Enough said.
My book club may need to plan a movie date – this movie with Will Ferrell was inspired by Raymond Carver’s short story, “Why Don’t You Dance?” Watch the trailer of Everything Must Go here.
This weekend I'm taking my refugees to the beach. Should be quite the venture....they've never seen the ocean!
Hope you have a wonderful weekend!