Happy Birthday Eat Run Read!!!!

That’s right – my blog is one year old today. Two hundred forty-eight posts (forty-nine counting this one). Stacks of pages of writing (just ask my computer-less grandma – I print out all my posts and mail them to her). Fifty-three cakes. Thirty book reviews. Fifty-two Weekend Reports and too many running posts to count.

Milestones in the first year of Eat Run Read:
July 23, 2009 – My first post: A Weekend 5K Saga
August 5, 2009 – My first cake: Banana Cake with Brown Sugar Frosting
August 7, 2009 – Guest Blogger 6x6 joins the team: So, This is Running?
August 13, 2009 – My first Literary Bite: Animal, Vegetable, Miracle
October 5, 2009 – 6x6 Runs a Race!
October 26-39, 2009 – Boston Dessert Week
November 16, 2009 – To 10K or Not to 10K? (I get injured)
December 18, 2009 – Guest Blogger The Newbie joins the team as she trains for the NYC Half –Marathon

March 9, 2010 – Photoman joins the team – AND my first post to be featured on Photograzing: Mint Chocolate Pound-ish Cake
March 16, 2010 – Eat Run Read gets a new header and a completely new look thanks to the fabulous Ellie!
March 31, 2010 – I start writing for the DC Running Examiner
And you know what’s crazy? Until about a year and 2 months ago, I had never read a blog before! Not ANY. I was in school, and any time I spent in front of a computer was productive – papers, research, etc. I’m not the type to waste time online. (Or at least I didn’t used to be. But now that I’m a member of the professional workforce, I find myself in front of a computer screen for over 8 hours per day. Which is a lot.)

People often ask me what inspired me to blog. I wish I had some deep meaningful answer to that question…but really I was just kinda bored one day. And the name, how did you choose the name? I dunno, eating running and reading - that’s just what it’s about…
I don’t have any shocking things-I’ve-learned-from-blogging breakthroughs. Except for a few pensive moments, this isn’t really a touchy-feely get-to-know-myself kind of blog.
But I have learned one very important lesson: I like to write. A lot. And I look forward to writing every day.
I never thought I had much to write about...but 365 days in and I'm still going strong.
So THANK YOU for reading. Thank you for commenting. (And if you actually know me, thank you for putting up with me talking about my blog so much!)
And since a birthday is a good day for introspection...what do you like about Eat Run Read? What is your favorite part? What should there be more of? What should I shut up about? I'm curious what people like, so let me know!