Despite the fact that it’s causing a huge international diplomatic crisis, and severely ruining the week of a certain person’s favorite diplomat – I want to thank WikiLeaks for providing me with endless amusement this week.
First of all, who knew that the leader of Libia loved Flamenco dancing, and is constantly accompanied by his "voluptuous blonde nurse"?
And this piece, "A leak most literary," makes me want to take the Foreign Service Exam again, just for the chance of writing such fabulous prose! This article details the secret art of writing diplomatic cable titles (i.e. "Turkmenistan: Cat Implicated In Presidential Security Incident").

The Cutting Edge of Ordinary wrote this post to remind us all why we should be thankful, and Today featured this kinda awesome, kinda horrifying baked creation: The Pumple - Is it cake or pie? Both!
The Onion posted a hilarious video: How can we raise awareness in Darfur of how much we are doing for them? I especially enjoyed the suggestions that we should start by airdropping press releases all over them, and that celebrities should have a big awareness-raising dinner in transparent tents so that the people of Darfur can stand on the perimeter, look in and see all the hard work that people are doing. (Note: This is satire.)

The CS Monitor published this story, "Electrician brings light to Picasso 'treasure trove'," which was very timely considering my Literary Bite this week on Life with Picasso.
And finally, North Korea really shouldn't be amusing but it so is. This whole blog is dedicated to Kim Jong-Il Looking at Things.

Have a great weekend!