"Calm" may be the wrong adjective though. Frantic may be a little more appropriate, as I have been running around trying to get everything ready! I arrived home very late Tuesday night to a rainy San Francisco. (I was delayed, but I can't complain. After all, I did experience the magic of human flight, and sat on a chair in the sky!)
Wednesday was our annual cousin's Santa Clause visit. We go to Stanford Shopping Center an take a picture with the big man every year. Sister1 wondered if perhaps this should be our last year doing this...maybe we're too old? We stood in line in the enchanted forest, an infant in its mother's arms in front of us and a couple toddlers behind us, discussing one cousin's first semester in college and my youngest cousin's high school...so basically, we were "too old" ten years ago. Oh well! I don't let silly things like age stop me from fun and family tradition!

I've been doing a bit of Petaluma running - The Run to be exact. (44 minutes on Wednesday and 47 on Thursday! Woot woot!) And a lot of cupcake and gingerbread cookie eating (Sister1 was on her honeymoon, so Sister2 took over on the baking front).
Yesterday I met up with Ex-Co-Worker Megan for brunch at the Dipsea Cafe. She looked at me over the menu, "Mollie, I'm kinda embarrassed, but would you judge me if I ordered a meal and a side?"

I've been Christmas shopping like crazy, but I don't mind. People always complain about shopping, but I think it's really nice that so many people get out each December and choose gifts for the people they love. The stores are decorated and there's (usually tasteful) Christmas music playing and it's just so festive!
Last night Sister1 and Geoff and I watched The Muppet Christmas Carol. Aka the BEST Christmas movie in the world. Sister1 and I sang along, obviously.
And now today here we are, Christmas Eve. My family will soon head out for our Christmas Eve hike on Pt. Reyes, and then the real holiday baking will begin! I think I'm going to make cakeballs and the Peppermint Whoopie Pies to bring to Christmas....