Do you like my dress? Oh Anthropologie, bankrupting me one ruffle at a time...
Note: I’m putting the normal Thursday Literary Bite temporarily on hold. My book club is reading Bleak House by Charles Dickens, and this book is a BRICK. Mr. Dickens was paid by the word, and Bleak House reflects that through its 928 pages. (But we read Anna Karenina, right? Can you guess which books I’ve recommended? What can I say, I’m an endurance person!) I’m up to page 213, and so far I’m enjoying it. Dickens’ characters are genius.
So without further ado, here’s what I’ve been looking at and laughing over this week.
Along the Wikileaks theme, McSweeny’s posted an amazing epic poem/musical about Julian Assage (the guy behind the leaks). Read the full thing here.
He drinks in
Information, see,
And takes a leak
Diplomacy shaken, sources betrayed
Allies forsaken, leaders dismayed
This self-styled hero, this weasel Australian
Is the worst threat to freedom since Sarah Palin
Following up on yesterday's post, I was asked about safety in the dark. Read my Examiner article for more on that.
Ex-Co-Worker Megan has a new job and wrote this blog post about the film she’s working on called Shelter. It’s about designers and architects who are using good design to address the shelter needs of the homeless and survivors of natural disasters. (I know they need $$, so donate if you can!)
Wooohooo GO Megan!
To get in the Christmas spirit Africa-style, watch this truly ridiculous music video (the music starts at 40 seconds). “Christmas is coming really soon, then we gonna have good afternoon…” Oh Lord.
Dash send me this picture and asked if I could find a recipe. I found these cupcakes and this cake. YUM. I may need to make a peppermint chocolate cake next weekend!
Umm, hello WWF - check out this dancing lemur in their Really Wild Awards category.
The most popular Eat Run Read post this week was Guest Bloggers - Or Lack Thereof - and Weekend Holiday Events.
Hope you have a great rest of your week and weekend!