My most popular post this week was a flashback – Banana Nut Nutella Cinnamon Rolls. Yummm those were delish!
And now a few links to get you through your Friday.
"A Surplus Washington Could Do Without: A Capital Park’s Rapacious Deer"
I’m not opposed to “thinning the herd with sharpshooters.” BUT as a Rock Creek Park runner, this is the part that concerns me:
- “But the park’s location in the middle of a city —the nation’s capital, at that — presents delicate considerations about safety and strategy, not to mention public relations.”
If I have to start wearing hunter’s orange on my runs I’m going to be UPSET.
Awesome video of a blind surfer from Brazil. (source)
The March/April Washington Running Report is out and guess who wrote a profile? (Hint: me. Hint: page 56.)
AFRICOM (i.e. US Africa Command, as in “one of six of the U.S. Defense Department’s regional military headquarters, with administrative responsibility for U.S. military support to U.S. government policy in Africa, to include military-to-military relationships with more than 50 African nations.”) has a blog, which is odd…but also kinda cute. They posted this AFRICOM Reading List. I’ve only read one of the books! Looks like I have my work cut out for me.
Smithsonian Magazine just announced the 50 finalists for their annual photo contest. (see more)
This infographic – Do people still trust the news during election season?
And I'll end with a brief foray into insane cuteness - 5 Little Pembroke Welsh Corgi Puppies. (source)
Hope you have a great weekend!