What a morning! I ran a 2-mile tempo in a blizzard, then a 2-mile tempo in a chilly but pleasant 2 inches of fresh snow, then I made whipped cream frosting, then I got ready for work, then I assembled what I hope/suspect will be one of the most delicious layer cakes I’ve ever constructed (Black Forest), and now here I am blogging and eating breakfast and sitting on an ice pack.

There’s someone important upstairs (at work), but I’m far too interested in my yogurt right now to care. I might need a second breakfast soon...
[Ok so I got talked into going upstairs, and saw Bradley Cooper! Again, what a morning!!!
- OfficeMate: Mollie! It’s Bradley Cooper!
- Me: I don’t know who that is.
- OfficeMate: YES YOU DO!!!! GOOGLE IT!!!
- Me: OH! We have to go!]
My most popular post this week was my marathon announcement (thanks to everyone who commented!), closely followed by Sluttier Brownies and Salted Caramel Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars. Because clearly you should make both those things for any and all Super Bowl parties this weekend (GO 49ers!!!)
Ok now for some Best of the Week links. Not much of substance in this one, mostly just fun! I swear I didn't just look at pictures this week...but maybe I did...
Hammerhead sharks are pretty awesome. This team freedives with the sharks to tag them. YIKES!
I spent waaaaayyyy too much time on WhatShouldWeCallMe this week. Seriously guys, biggest/best time-suck ever.
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Ooh GIFs. You know I love them. I just have to find a way to incorporate them more into my life...
Me, post-run, always:
Is there anything more adorable than a corgi puppy in the snow? No.
And coffee+corgi=YES.
I want these running tights. Right?
The best pep talk ever. You/I should watch this every day.
Oh my. "The 35 Dumbest Things Ever Said on the Internet."