For Columbus Day I considered traveling to distant lands, making some conquests, pissing off the natives, etc...but instead opted to spend my three day weekend hanging out in DC like the lady of leisure I aspire to be.
That means I spent all three days working out, reading, drinking coffee, and hanging out with friends – quite the lovely stay-cation.
I rarely feel the urge to go biking, but when I do, I go big. I've biked three times in DC, and all three times were the Mt. Vernon Trail. The first time was surprisingly pleasant, the second was horrendously awful, and the third? It was good!

The weather was absolutely gorgeous all weekend! Saturday morning I ran around the Tidal Basin, then met some friends for a light latin brunch and shopping in Friendship Heights.
Brunch was at Dos Gringos, a cute cafe in Mt. Pleasant. This place is super cheap and quite good! I got the “plato tipico” but with potatoes instead of plantains (I don’t like bananas). My meal was good, but I’ll admit, I jealously watched a huge waffle go to a different table…there’s always next time!
Sunday was equally leisurely – 6x6, LLC and I meandered about Georgetown, and sipped Baked and Wired coffees outside. In the afternoon I spent a few hours with The Three Musketeers before going to yoga.
I rarely feel the urge to go biking, but when I do, I go big. I've biked three times in DC, and all three times were the Mt. Vernon Trail. The first time was surprisingly pleasant, the second was horrendously awful, and the third? It was good!
After two leisurely days, by Monday I was ready to go. So off I went, peddling down the Mt. Vernon Trail towards George Washington's home. The weather was gorgeous and there was no wind to speak of. My only complaint is that by the end (40 miles later) my legs burned
and my sits bones felt eVeRy SiNgLe DiP in the road (and continue to feel bruised today).
I like biking because it lends itself to daydreaming and imagining and spacing out (while focusing on the trail, don’t worry!). Since the last time I did the route, they finished the Merchant Marine/Lady Bird Memorial - very pretty!
The entire venture took just
over 3 hours – a nice amount of time to spend in the outdoors on a holiday Monday.
other news only abstractly related to myself, this was quite the race weekend! The
Army 10 Miler in DC and the Chicago Marathon both went off with impressive performances by my teammates. Claire got an Olympic qualifying time at Chicago!
And shout out to fellow bloggers AKA Darkwave, Dash, Beth, and Amy - great job at Army! (And feel free to send me better race photos...haha sorry!)
Congrats to everyone who raced this weekend - I was with you in