After a long involuntary hiatus, I am officially back to running
track workouts! Yesterday I did an early-morning
interval session with my team and it went pretty well for a first
workout back.

But it’s time to break that cycle, and to do so I’m going to
try something new (to me) – goal setting. I've never really done it before...and people say that accountability is a necessary part of achieving let's all do this together, shall we?
I’m taking a page from the super-official strategic plan
style (i.e. goals, tactics, and measures of success), so here we go! I’ve
listed them in order of priority.
Goal #1: To run uninjured for an extended period of time.
- I will not run through pain.
- I will maintain my supplementary training (yoga, pool, stretching, abs, foam rolling).
- I will take weekly days off.
- I will slowly increase my mileage, and avoid doing too much too soon.
- I will not do long runs more than 10 miles until I’m sure that’s a good and necessary idea.
Measure of Success: When I’ve not been injured for a while.
- Take a day off when I really really don’t feel like running.
- Remember to be grateful for the ability to run, and to love running even when it’s hard.
- Anyone have any other ideas of how to do this one? Running/life balance tips???
Measure of Success: Running continuously makes me happy.
Short-Term Goal: Run the Jingle All the Way 8K (December 11) in under 33:00 (sounds random, but I ran an 8K back in May in 33:07, so I want to beat
that time).
- Consistently attend track workouts leading up to the race.
- Rest and prepare in the days before the race.
- Don’t make excuses during the race – run hard!
Medium-Term Goals: Set a new PR in the 5K (current PR: 18:15).
Race a 10K.
- If I can train uninjured for an extended period of time, I should be able to improve on my previous time. I’ve never run a 10K…so I should probably try that and see what happens.
Super Long-Term Goal: Run a marathon next fall.
- If I accomplish all the above goals, I might try for this one...maybe...
Do you set goals? Any tips for me?
(I typed my name into Google and image searched -- clearly I have too much spare time -- on the first page is the above picture of me from sophomore year of high school! Crazy right??? The interwebs know all.)