Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Best Valentine's Day Recipes

Happy Valentine’s Day! For those of you who love this random Tuesday in February, I'm sure you already have awesome plans. And to those of you who get upset about "surviving" Valentine’s day, don’t. (I’m not saying don’t survive, I’m saying don’t get upset.) To pull from someone else’s thoughts: Why can’t you take the day of love as an opportunity to simply appreciate the love you do have — send your grandmother a V-Day card back, call your mom just to wish her a happy holiday and thank her for helping you with the cards for class when you were little, or take your friend out for dinner to remind them that we can still treat each other to nice, considerate, loving things. Wise, no?

I am relatively indifferent to the holiday, but considering I have a blog that refers heavily (I use that term figuratively and literally) to chocolate (52 posts about it so far), I figured it’d be fitting to recognize the day with a list of Valentine’s Day dessert suggestions for you to share with whomever you love.

Red Velvet Brownies with Cream Cheese Frosting

Oreo Cake (I realize this isn't particularly Valentine's Day-ish, but it's freaking amazing so you should probably make it.)

For someone you really really really love (it's a bit labor intensive, but AMAZING. Also possibly the prettiest thing I've ever made.) - Cookie Dough Fudge Cheesecake

Raspberry Filled Cupcakes - that is raspberry curd in there. Think about it. 

 Strawberries and Pineapple Dipped in Ganache - classic Valentine's Day. Better if you make it yourself.

Happy Valentine's Day! I LOVE YOU ALL!