Breakfast after a long run can be the best thing in the world. When my muscles ache and the world starts to lose color around the edges, nothing brings me back to life like a good cup of coffee and a plateful of something hot and delicious. And after a workout, it's not just food it's fuel (re-fuel, that is)...but that doesn't mean it can't be the tastiest fuel you can think to assemble!
This meal started in my head about 10 miles into my 12 miler last Saturday. I want eggs...I thought as I started up the Rock Creek Park bike path. And I have that leftover Jalapeño Cheddar Cornbread... I visualized the possibilities as I turned onto Massachusetts Avenue. An Open-Faced Cornbread Egg Sandwich!
I finally made it to my door, then showered, brewed coffee, cooked, and sat down with my newspaper and this situation. Elegantly simple and wildly delicious. I almost died of yumminess, but didn’t because then I wouldn’t be able to finish it.
Open-Faced Cornbread Egg Sandwich
- Cornbread (Jalapeño Cheddar Cornbread recipe here)
- Egg (however many you want)
- Salsa (I used Safeway brand Southwest Salsa)
- Sour cream
- Thinly slice cornbread and toast it under your broiler or in a toaster oven.
- Fry an egg or two – I like over-medium eggs, because then the yolk can run out and soak into the cornbread. If you're skilled at poaching, this would be a good time for that...I cannot poach an egg to save my life so I've stopped trying.
- Top with salsa and sour cream.
- Die of deliciousness.