Saturday, May 25, 2013

Goodbye DC, Hello Asia!

Alright friends, sorry for going completely MIA there. I haven't left DC yet, but I've spent the last week in a mix of stressful packing/moving and blissful funemployment.

And when I say packing I mean OH MAN PACKING. I would not wish that mess on anyone. Clearly I put it all off until the last possible minute, then spent one hellish Sunday putting all my stuff into boxes and bags and wandering aimlessly around my apartment moaning -- nooooo noooo...oh  noooo it's not going to fit...noooo...there's no way this is happening. (SpeedyKate and LOTR Emily can corroborate this silliness)

But magically (seriously, MAGICALLY) all my stuff fit in the back of my friend's mom's minivan, in an impressive tetris of stuff, including but not limited to my bed, mattress, a small chest of drawers, and my trampoline!

We left at the crack of dawn Monday to get on the road north: DC, Baltimore, NYC, Boston! We made it by early afternoon, unloaded the van into the basement of my soon-to-be home, and with that all my major to-dos were done.

We drove back allllll night Tuesday night, which was an 8.5 hours experience, but we survived. And oh hai week of funemployment, which for me looks like sleeping untill 9:30, PJs most of the day, biking around and about handling pre-travel errands, shorts and tank tops and curly hair and no makeup, and reading in parks, coffee shops, and my on my living room floor. Also, I went on my second learn-to-dirt-bike venture yesterday, and I'm happy to report it was a success! Bring it on Laos!!!

So all of my things have been taken care of, and at least logistically, I'm ready to go. It's kind of strange because usually when you go on vacation you come back home...but this time I'm not coming back (to DC at least) and I will just keep going on to more and more new things (I'm going to start grad school in Boston in August)! I'm not entirely sure how I feel about this to be be honest, but my decisions have been made and there's no turning back now!

Tomorrow I get on a plane that will take me to London; where I'll spend 9 hours (Hello Europe! Nice to finally meet you!), then connecting through Delhi and on to Kathmandu. I will meet Sister2 in Kathmandu on Wednesday and then we will go trekking in Langtang for a couple weeks. After a month in Nepal I will be on my way to Bangkok, where I will meet up with Andy for part 2 of my ventures that will include Bangkok, Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam. 

I would share with you the specifics, but we haven't planned them yet. So stay tuned to the blog! I will not be updating daily of course, but I will keep you posted on all my international antics!