The way people behave here, you'd think that it'd never snowed before! I went to buy groceries on Friday...only to be turned away by the lines all the way to the back of the store! That's right, both Whole Foods and Safeway had every check stand open, and a 30-minute line to buy groceries. People waited patiently with shopping carts full of wood and canned goods. (Ummmm, what? I mean, it's just a weekend storm...we're not preparing for nuclear war or anything! And a grocery cart full of wood? From Whole Foods? Really?)
By Friday night, the storm had really begun, and though it wasn't run-on-the-grocery-store-worthy, I will say that the snow was really was coming down.
And then I awoke Saturday morning to look out my window and see the true affects of Snowmageddeon '10: almost 18 inches, then #4 storm in DC's history.

I do really love snow. It's really beautiful. I love paintings of snowy landscapes. And I love all the great words associated with snow: flurry, trudge, slosh...there are different types of snow: sugar snow, corn snow, slush...you can have a blanket of snow, a drift of snow, a deluge of snow, an accumulation of snow...snow comes in flakes, balls, crystals, flurries...ok, I guess I can stop there.
Hope you're enjoying whatever form of winter you have...and I really hope to be blogging again tomorrow from the comfort of my bed!
I couldn't find satisfactory pictures online, so here are some shots from my camera:
BEFORE (remember that beautiful snowy run I did last Wednesday?):