For the third week in a row, my most popular post was Banana Nut Nutella Cinnamon Rolls, closely followed by Sister1's Dulce de Leche Filled Chocolate Cupcakes.
Just look at that buttercream and swoon!
NatGeo featured some pretty amazing but horrifying pictures of the Japanese tsunami waves approaching the beach. Oof! (Source.)
And along those same lines, AidWatch published a very interesting article, Does Japan need your donation?
"Our best advice for people who feel moved to give by the tragedy in Japan: Give generously, in cash, to an organization that you trust, and don’t restrict your donation. This way, your charity can use the funds for Japan if it turns out they are needed. If not, then it is free to use your donation for another purpose, like the dozens of under-reported, large-scale disasters that CNN isn’t featuring today."
These 50 photos of basset hounds running will make you laugh, cry, and want a dog like woah. Sometimes I get so excited about running my ears flop into my mouth...
"My definition of optimism is simply the belief that setbacks are normal and can be overcome by your own actions." -Martin Seligman
And there was an amusing email circulating about Chinglish: The Universal Language. (source)
And with that I bid you, dear readers, a very happy weekend!