Friday, May 4, 2012

Bike and Roll Segway Tour

After living in DC for three full years (plus an intern summer), I finally did it. I went on a Segway tour. Yes, Segways, those semi-ridiculous looking tourist-mobiles that you see around the monuments and on the Mall. 

Mama and Dad were visiting for the week, and after soooo much walking – in and out of museums, up and down the Mall, to and from Dupont Circle again and again and again – even my athletic parents needed a break (I have come to realize that no one walks like my friends and I walk)

And I’m happy to report that it was awesome. Seriously. So. Much. Fun! We did the inaugural Bike and Roll Segway Tour. (This company has been leading bike tours for a while now, but the Segway thing is new for them.)

We arrived at their office at the Post Office Pavilion and were immediately suited up with helmets, headphones/radio-ish things to hear the tour, and Segways. After watching an intro video, Charlie-and-Rachel-the-tour-guides gave us a brief tutorial on how to ride and steer (surprisingly not difficult at all!). 

Mama was worried she’d run down some unsuspecting pedestrian, but I assured her that in my three years of DC life I’ve never seen a Segway accident. (I optimistically like to think of us as smarter than the average tourist…if they can master Segways, so can we!)

And then we were off, Segway-ing down the bike lane in the middle of Pennsylvania toward the Capitol. Charlie spouted fun facts along the way (looove me some fun facts!), about the buildings, DC history, monument symbolism, etc. etc. etc. 

As we rode up Capitol Hill, bypassing tired walking school groups, my dad, with the biggest smile I’ve seen since he’s been there, announced, “I LOVE this! These things are great!!!”

Our route went down Pennsylvania, around the Capitol, along the Mall, and then up past the White House. We made a few stops – at the Canadian Embassy, the Capitol “Summer House,” and at key photo-op locales. The tour provides water and a granola bar, which made for a pleasant mid-morning snack! (Haha, not that we were exactly exercising...but Segway-ing requires a bit more effort than it looks!) Our tour finished 2 ½ hours later back at the Post Office Pavilion, just before a rain storm hit. 

Ridiculous as they may look, Segways are actually a great way to get around and see a lot in a short amount of time. Plus they’re fun to ride and the tour guides were interesting and informative. Judge me accordingly, but I’m officially pro.  

The votes are in and it’s official: the morning was undoubtedly a super Segway success.