What a week/weekend! My parents were visiting last Monday-Sunday, which meant excellent food, the usual tourism, and fun family-time activities. My mama has been to DC twice already, but this was my dad’s first visit. I’m pretty sure his favorite part was our Segway tour on Friday (since it meant he didn’t have to walk).
Our most excellent dinner was at Founding Farmers, a restaurant where you have to plan in advance for a reservation, or show up at 5:30 to get your name in before the dinner rush. We started with the Devil-ish Egg appetizer (the only context in which I will gladly eat mayonnaise).
So. Much. Food. Clearly we ate it all – my family takes dinner seriously.
The next morning the Segways happened, as you may recall.
My dad left long before the crack of dawn on Saturday, but Mama stayed for another day. We started by splitting the Blueberry Buckwheat Pancakes at Market Lunch in Eastern Market.
Then we metro’d up to Van Ness for Passport DC’s Around the World Embassy Tour day. I’ve done this a few times (last year, and the year before), but only the embassies near Dupont, which are always sooooo crowded.
Van Ness is further out though, meaning there were absolutely no lines – we walked right into South Africa, Ethiopia, Bangladesh, Brunei Darussalam, Ghana, Turkey, Nigeria, and Egypt.
Hope you had a great week/weekend too!